by Lulu La Bonche
Superstitions are a funny thing; they keep us on our toes. Superstitions have been around for a long time, some and we still have some today. People who have hobbies such as footballers may do something before a game, so they play well. We play rubber chicken before a performance, it takes away our nerves to be able to do a circus performance.
In the archives I came across a tiny book called Circus Secrets. It had stories and all the secrets of the circus but the most interesting page was on superstitions; it had things like, don’t knit, don’t wear green, take your hat off to a (chimney) sweep, which performers would have done to avoid bad luck.
After I had a look I wondered, are they true? Where did they come from? Did people cancel performances because of this? So I looked more into it to see why they were a superstition.