2005 – 2013
In this period there is are several free-lance artists (community, professional or emerging) who are based in Tyne & Wear. These individuals cross over with other entries in this timeline and often work for each other. Many having worked for Circus Central or Let’s Circus. There are 2 clusters 1 in Sunderland: Martin Bloomfield b.1962 who started doing handstands on skateboards in the 1970s and then started circus skills which he has now been teaching for years as Circurama; Penella Bee a hula hoopist and hip hop dancer, she works under the name Bee Enchanted & in 2013 with Tanya as the Fire Girls; & Octavian Dirtu who is an acrobat from Romania.
Another cluster is centred in Newcastle with many living in Fenham or Heaton and connected with the Green Festival. they include: Jessie & Paul Dewhurst who do magic, circus and have worked with Fire Toys (circus shop); Tanya Oxbury b.1987 who helps run a rehearsal space called Northern Line; Sam Banner (originally form Banstead) is a trick BMX rider circus performer, he also works at Dynamix; Mike Wilkinson b.1979 (known as Random Mike) is originally form Co. Durham he is an entertainer working often with fire and circus workshop leader who often works in Scotland & the festival circuit; David French b.1981 Aberdeen, is also a musician. His skills are contact juggling, object manipulation, and fire spinning; Nathan White is also strongly linked with this community.
Others in the Tyneside Area include: Lawrie Shaw & Barry Jackson b.1955.